Add caption September 2019, finally made a transit at Changi, Singapore! I never completely explore this one of world top best airports myself since most of the time I stop by HongKong Int'l airport (which is recovering from chaos by the time I'm writing this post), that's why I was thrilled! Being a one-stop-station airport it is, Changi DFS offers pretty good deal of shopping since goods are sold at 7% tax-free price. But still not all products are cheaper than outlet's. I've been eyeing on these skin products and cosmetic (all are sold cheaper than in Indonesia) but I wanted to save time on shopping and spend it for the catchy indoor fountain at Jewel Terminal, and also eating, I looked up https://www.ishopchangi.com/ and discovered that you can purchase online and the goods will be ready when you arrive at/depart from Changi! Oh, there is an additional of 10% for first online purchase! From placing the order to finally pick up my purchase, the steps a...