
Showing posts from May, 2013


  How to : 1. Mix flour, egg yolk, salt, sugar, milk, baking powder evenly. 2. Add white part of egg ( I don't know what's the  white part called) 3. Lightly grease the pan with margarine, on a medium heat. 4. Spoon the mixture into the pan, wait until the some bubbles turns up (if not, just use your feeling), and flip carefully until both parts get browned. 5. Serve with any topping. Happy Cooking! Having myself a go at cooking during this long holiday, this is one of the accomplished recipes-Pancake. Although the recipe itself is easy, however, the cooking part was a lil' bit frustrating. I tend to make a perfect brown-surfaced pancake like I used to eat at the restaurant, but it turned out either too plain or overcooked. It's okay, holiday's still long way to go. I'm gonna make better pancake next time :):) Anyway, I have recently browsing through Youtube on how to cook videos and I recommend Maangchi's cooking tutorial